Thursday, April 19, 2007

Alive, I Promise

Once again, I disappeared. I'm sorry.
Not much knitting going on round here.
Been working kind of on a scarf from some yarn I bought at a sale last weekend. It's alright. Not too excited about it.
I've been crossstitching a bit, but I'm onto the backstitching, which just isn't fun, and therefore takes forever.
My yarn is being shipped today for the sweater I've decided to make. I'm not starting it til after school and I'm back in Dallas. Or I'm going to try and resist the temptation and actually study and do well on my finals.
I'm so ready to be done with this school nonsense.
Only 14 more days! I think. I might not be able to count.

<3 uhlissa
I'll update again next time I actually do something useful.

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